A chemistry degree gives you among the highest chances to go to medical school. See our B.S. degree concentrations in the Academics link above.
Chemistry is a central science, a "glue" that binds multiple fields to impact life around us in profound ways.
Chemistry is central to the development of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines, and the understanding of cellular biological processes.
Chemistry students at Georgia State carry out highly inter-disciplinary research in multiple areas of specialization. See our research link above.
The chemistry department offers a dual degree B.S./M.S. program where students can complete both degrees within five years. See the Academics link above.
Explore Our Programs
Undergraduate - Concentrations
Chemistry Forensics
At GSU Chem, we are excited to offer a new undergraduate concentration in forensic chemistry to our chemistry majors! Scan the code to learn more about this exciting new program!
Do you know about the undergraduate concentration in biochemistry that GSU Chem offers to chemistry majors? Scan the code to learn more about this exciting program!
Chemistry Pre-Med
Do you know that in 2023-24, the ratio of matriculants to applicants to U.S. medical schools for STEM disciplines was among the highest for Physical Sciences majors?
Click below to access the AAMC stats.
Chemistry by the Numbers
Why Study Chemistry?
Chemistry is a central science that investigates the properties and behavior of all matter. If this sounds like a broad definition, it is because chemistry is a very broad topic! Through Chemistry, you can learn about the composition and reactions that happen in the air (atmospheric chemistry), in living organisms (biochemistry and nutrition), on earth (geology), and elsewhere in the solar system and the universe (astrochemistry). This means that chemistry is also central to solving many challenges facing the world, from exploring alternative fuels and sources of energy to understanding the molecular basis of diseases and developing pharmaceuticals. This is why a chemistry degree gives you among the highest chances to matriculate in a medical school. Explore more about chemistry through the links below!
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Contact Us
Associate Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
Department IT Coordinator
Office / Delivery Address
Department of Chemistry
Georgia State University
161 Jessie Hill Jr. Drive
391 Petit Science Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-413-5554
(Only for stockroom concerns)
Hours: Monday - Friday
10 a.m. - 12 p.m., 2 - 4 p.m.
USPS Mailing Address
Department of Chemistry
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3965
Atlanta, GA 30302-3965